Dec 19, 2009

Blizzard of '09




Sierrosmith said...

Recently you said, "I would love to invade that peaceful scene stomping through that field holding my thermos full of hot totty and hearing the satisfying crunch of the snow beneath my feet, then flopping down to male [Freudian typo] snow angels. City snow just ain't the same...".

Well now the city snow is the same: enough to make it so peaceful that you can do snow angels in the middle of the street. May your toddy always keep you hot!

Holli said...

WOW. That's some snow all right.

Magaly Guerrero said...

WOW! We haven't got much snow in NYC and the time we got some, I was Upstate, so I didn't see it. My daddy said my MINI was halfway buried, but the MINI is so tiny that that doesn't mean much.

Hannah said...

<3 snowmen!

Anonymous said...

Love these photos!!!

Learn Speaking English said...

What a snow!

Kendra Holliday said...

oy that snowman!